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The first church concept was produced and released for viewing to the Chekiye Baptist Church Building Construction Committee and the church members in May 2014. Approval for the detailed preparation of the Church construction was given right away. The church committee's plan was to remove the existing church building and build over the same spot, but one problem remained and that was the scope of the new landscape and the church building size which was to house a seating capacity of 3000 people. Since the old area was not large enough to house even half of the requirement, we recommended that a new area be acquired. Although a little reluctant at first because of additional expenses that would incurre, the decision to acquire the new required land was made. Luckily a swamp land was already there behind the church, which at first sight looked like nothing exciting could be build over it. 

Our four years working experience with the church building committee members has been very friendly and still continues till today. We wish them a speedy completion on the construction. 


Under construction Dec 2016

Click this image to view the construction update

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